

16th Jun 2022

Showpony at Sweet Squared

Credit: @showpony_uk via Instagram 

Whilst reflecting on World Refill Day (16th June), we’re subconsciously thinking about how important sustainability and being eco-friendly is in our industry. More specifically in the hair industry. We are proud to distribute amazing products for several hair brands which focus on being sustainable, however we want to turn your attention to Showpony in particular.

Australia-based hair extension company Showpony specialise in premium micro bead, tape extensions and weft hair extensions. Showpony particularly recognises the importance of offering sustainable hair products and rebranded in 2019 to become even more eco-friendly.

So, how are Showpony sustainable in what they do?

In a nutshell, they are the first sustainably packaged hair extension brand in the world and offer reusable hair extensions for their customers.

1) Sustainable Packaging

Showpony as a brand are particularly focused on providing sustainable packaging for their extensions and other hair products. This is because Founder and CEO Stephanie Mason believes that generally, there is too much plastic wasted on product packaging. So, in her own company she strives towards reducing plastic use as much as possible. The Showpony packaging provides an 80% reduction in total plastics used on their hair extensions. The company also only uses 100% recycled plastic on their hair care range.

Showpony Shampoo and Conditioner  Showpony Premium Tape Hair Extensions

Credit: @showpony_uk via Instagram 

2) Reusable Hair Extensions

Showpony have a wide range of hair extensions on and here at Sweet Squared, we are proud to stock their tapeweftskin weft tapes and microbead extensions. All four extension types are completely reusable for customers, meaning less product waste, and ultimately contributing towards their commitment to sustainability.

Weft Hair Extensions / Credit: @showponyhairextensions via Instagram

Tape Hair Extensions / Credit: @showponyhairextensions via Instagram

3) Eco-Friendly Company Practice

At their Head Office, they have gone paperless to lower their environmental impact. They also offer extensive online education to minimise the number of flights they take around the world as a company. 

Showpony at Sweet Squared

Credit: @showpony_uk via Instagram

If you’re looking to introduce some more eco-friendly packaging and reusable hair extensions into your salon for your clients, then why not take some inspiration from this blog and learn more about Showpony? Click here to find out more!

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